Spiced Cauliflower Tacos

Tacos are my favourite thing ever. LIKE, EVER. The way the masa smells (corn flour) when it’s cooking to the way it singes in the pan and gets a little salty. Masa tacos are the easiest things to make and I love doing them with Molly. Flour, water and salt rolled into balls and squished with a rolling pin. Into a pan and boom.

This recipe is more of a “fridge look” aka see what’s in the fridge and use up what’s almost ready to be chucked out. Soft cauliflower, wilting asparagus, very old cabbage and sweet potatoes growing out of the basket!


While we do enjoy the odd good piece of meat, we’re not really meat eaters and tacos are no exception. We love veggie tacos and could definitely eat them Monday through to Sunday. All with our trusted siriacha mayo! But more on that another time.

The recipe is pretty simple:


cauliflowers florets

sweet potato, diced small

cabbage, shredded

asparagus, cut lengthways

sesame seeds

paprika, the spicy kind



I had left over guac and yoghurt mint sauce too so used that

Firstly I heated some oil in a pan, added the spicy paprika and cooked the caulflower. Then removed it.

Using the same pan I cooked the sweet potatoe with some oil and garlic and when it was almost cooked I added in the cabbage and mixed in the sesame seeds.

Meanwhile I blanched the asparagus.


And there you have it, all that was left was to pile on whatever toppings you want and it’s just about the easiest recipe you could have. If you loved this healthy and simple recipe, why not pin this image to your “Healthy Veggie Recipes” over on Pinterest.


Food 52s chocolate courgette cake


Burren Cookbook